Meet the Sullivans number 1

All things pertaining to the Sullivans of Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
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Meet the Sullivans number 1

Postby admin » Sun May 19, 2013 8:56 pm

We are the Sullivan family, the sibling sons and daughters of Ms. Barbara H. Sullivan (1929-2004) and Dr. John F. Sullivan (1918-1993). He was a professor of Shakespearean English and English Department Head at the University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario. Our mother was a painter, writer, and mother of 6.

The eldest, Mike Sullivan, has been a broadcast radio engineering technician at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, a negotiator for unions at the CBC and in the paper industry, and is now a Member of Parliament for the New Democratic Party of Canada.

I, Chris Sullivan, am a retired software and hardware electronics engineering technologist. I left work after suffering my first 7 years of Multiple Sclerosis.

The next in line is our sister Clare Sullivan, who is a well known estates lawyer in Toronto, Ontario.

Dan Sullivan is also retired due to illness (CLL), from his job as a high school English teacher.

William Sullivan is an MBA, lawyer, and accountant, a director at Verizon.

Youngest of us siblings is Jennifer Sullivan, a Psychology PhD, who works in a lab at Western University in London, Ontario.

None of us lives in Windsor, Ontario anymore.
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Joined: Sun May 19, 2013 6:57 pm

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